On my way home, around 5:00 pm

Visueel dagboek van Michael Minneboo.
De Bekeerde Suster, 7:00 pm
Hester and I had some burgers in the Bekeerde Suster op de Nieuwmarkt this week. It’s been a while since we saw each other. She’s busy studying. She also went to South America a couple of months ago. Hester will probably publish her Spanish adventures on her blog any time soon.
Van Gogh, 1:00 pm
Sunday I went to the Van Gogh museum. Although I am not a particular fan of Vincent’s work, I did want to check out the exposition on naturalism in the arts. From within the building you get quite a view from the Museum Square, making the square a scene of a living painting by itself.
Stanislavski, 2:00 pm
This is my friend Merel wearing a sweater with a print of Slimer on it. I love Slimer, it’s one of the funniest animated characters ever and ‘Ghostbusters’ is still one of my favourite movies. Apparently they licensed stuff from Ghostbusters at H&M because they got a bunch of clothes referring to this movie. Though I am getting a bit to old to wear shirts like that, so you won’t see me in a Slimer T-shirt anytime soon.
Beiaard, 7:00 pm
Monday last week I had dinner with Paul, a good friend of mine and a cartoonist. Although not all of mine friends are into comic books or drawing comics, a lot of them are. Paul and I are avid comic book readers and naturally the books we had just bought at the ABC were one of the topics of our conversation. The mice that were running on the floor were another one. Apparently it’s quite normal in Amsterdam to have mice walk between your feet when you’re eating a hamburger. Tourists be warned. Makes one wonder what happens in the kitchen after all the lights are out. What has all of this to do with the picture above? Not much, except for the fact that it is the view from our table at the Beiaard.