The gates to the Westerpark, 1:00 pm
The gates are open

Visueel dagboek van Michael Minneboo.
Westergasfabriek, 1:00 pm
A shot of the Westergasfabriek in state of winter. I took this picture an hour before I interviewed Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. A Dutch television presenter, let us say the Dutch Jonathan Ross.
The first in a series of video’s about the winter I am planning.
3:00 pm
A sunny but cold afternoon in the Vondelpark. Just after a coffee date with Merel.
Leidseplein, 5:00 pm
About a week ago, all through the Netherlands there was a loud protest against government plans to cut back severely on culture and the arts. I was at the Leidseplein to yell with about 20.000 others against these plans. I also made a video-impression of the event.