
Harry on the front page

The Dutch writer Harry Mulisch died of cancer last Saturday. It was in the news on Sunday, so the front page of ‘Het Parool’ had a big picture of the writer on its front-page. I can’t say that I was a particular fan of Mulisch’s writing, but he is considered to be one of the greatest writers in the Dutch language. Also by himself, he wasn’t known for having a small ego, that’s for sure. But I’ll take people’s word for it when it comes to his writing skills. Still, I thought it was a nice gesture of the paper to put the portrait of Mulisch this big on the front page.

Daily Webhead Video

Video: Zombie Walk Amsterdam

Zondagmiddag 31 oktober liep er een groepje zombies door Amsterdam. De pro Wilders demonstratie was een dag eerder, dus daar heb ik het niet over. Het was een officiële Zombie Walk door de binnenstad van Amsterdam.

Ongeveer 25 verkleedde enthousiastelingen liepen van de Dam naar het Vondelpark. Omdat ik nieuwsgierig was naar hoe dit eruit zou zien was ik er bij en schoot onderstaande video met mijn cybershotje.

Daily Webhead: Zombie Walk Amsterdam from Mike’s Webs on Vimeo.

‘Brains!’ riepen de meeste zombies die zich al strompelend door het winkelende publiek – consumentenzombies – begaven. Je kunt je afvragen of mensen die besmet raken met het Zombie-virus zich opeens alleen maar in het Engels kunnen uitdrukken. Daarbij zou ik niet weten wat er zo smakelijk is aan een stel hersenen. Nog los van het feit dat er met Zombies natuurlijk niet echt te praten valt. De eerste intellectuele zombie moet nog gevonden worden.



Dam, 2:00 pm
On Halloween afternoon, a Zombie walk took place in downtown Amsterdam. About twenty-five people showed up to walk the streets dressed up like a zombie, yelling “BRAINS!” I admire people who dare dress up like this and walk in public like a loony. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be caught dead wearing make-up like that or any kind of make-up for that matter. But it was quite a sight and got different responses from the shopping public. Since it was such a busy shopping day this Sunday, it sometimes was hard to see the dressed up zombies between the crowds of the zombies of consumerism.

I shot some video of the Zombie Walk and will put that online later this week.


Happy Halloween!

Friday, when I walked to the party goods store to check out some Halloween stuff, I passed a store filled with stuff for and about cats. Yes, these stores exist also. Anyway, in the display window I saw this pumpkin, which must be one of the most kitsch pumpkins I’ve ever seen. Not that I mind kitsch per say. The party store also had some ugly stuff: badly made bats and things like that. Still, I love Halloween. I like the iconography of it. The pumpkins, spooks, and other things to dress up the house or whatever. As long as it’s well crafted and the design looks convincible.


Video: Halloween store

Daily Webhead: Halloween store from Mike’s Webs on Vimeo.
Friday afternoon I went out to check some Halloween stuff. At the Louis Wittenburg party store they had an elaborate display outside. Note the line of costumers in front of the store. Halloween has arrived in Amsterdam, that’s for sure.


Museum square by night

Museumplein, 8:20 pm
After my girlfriend and I came back from dinner, we walked passed the museum plein. (Museum Square). It’s one of the strangest squares in Amsterdam, with the long green lawn with strange paths. I can hardly follow its design. Still, this vista at night looked kind of nice I thought.


Halloween: Biggest pumpkin ever?

This certainly is the biggest pumpkin that I’ve ever seen. You can see it life @Marqt on the Overtoom. By the way: not only is autumn my favourite time of year, I also am a big fan of Halloween. On my old blog Mike’s Webs I wrote several times about my favourite Holiday.


Graffiti head

Alleyway Van Baerlestraat, Amsterdam, 11:40 pm
I kinda liked this head.


The writing is on the wall

Alleyway Van Baerlestraat, Amsterdam, 11:40 pm
Doesn’t anyone use a post-it anymore?


A perfect mirror

Amsterdam Central Station, 9:00 pm
Before getting into the train on Tuesday, I took a snapshot of the area behind central station. They’re building a new station for the subway. Note the roof of the site hut, which almost functions like a perfect mirror thanks to the water on the surface. Also note how badly the window of the train station needs to be cleaned 🙂


Tea with Aimée

Stanislavski, 6:30 pm
Monday I had a meeting with Aimée de Jongh. A very talented young comic book artist who also works in animation. Check out her site.


Slice of life

Stanislavski, 5:00 pm
An everyday scene in a café. Yet a brief and unique moment in time.