Truthfully, I am not fond of House and Dance parties. Not even when they have a Halloween-theme. Still, I like the poster art of these two events.
Originally published on October 27, 2016 on
I’ve been a fan of screencaps ever since I was a kid. I just wanted to be able to look at the action on the screen as long as possible. Slowmotion VHS helped, but sometimes you just want to study a freeze frame indefinitely, like it’s a painting or an illustration.
When I was about ten years old I tried to take photographs from the television screen. This was in the 1980s so it was an old school tv with a glass screen. Every time you took a picture, these nasty black bars would appear in the image. I didn’t know anything about the technological side of tv’s back then. Also it was very hard not to get a reflection of a window, or your mom standing in the back with a cup of tea in her hand. So when the roll of film was processed and developed, the photos were always pretty much a failure.
With digital video files, making screenshots is a lot easier. They give the best results.
Sometimes I still take a screenshot with my phone from the television screen, just for fun. Because tv’s are a lot better nowadays, most of the times they turn out pretty good. It’s a nice way to keep track of all the stuff I’m watching. I guess I’m still watching too much films and series, just like in the past. I haven’t changed much.
Last screen-shot for today of Halloween III: Season of the Witch. I guess I’m in a Halloween mood today. Maybe it’s because of the weather… Oh, who am I kidding? Most of the time I’m in a Halloween mood. Halloween is the best day of the year. Period. And why not celebrate the best part of the year a little bit every day?
Another screenshot from Halloween III: Season of the Witch. The witch on the BMX bike cracks me up. I love this image.
I guess a BMX Bike is quite the upgrade from a broom: as we know from the movie ET these bikes can fly just as well as a broom, and the saddle is a lot more comfortable than a piece of wood I imagine.
In this film a manufacturer of Halloween masks wants to kill millions of American children. The children are supposed to wear their masks when they sit in front of the television at nine o’clock on Halloween, so that the sinister surprise in the mask will be activated. The only one who can thwart the nefarious plans is a doctor (Tom Atkins) who doesn’t exactly radiate “action hero”.
The funny thing is that this story has nothing to do with the previous Halloween movies. That by itself sounds refreshing and as a film lover I particularly enjoyed the art direction. I think it very nicely depicts what Halloween looks like in America. Those masks from the Silver Shamrock Corporation look especially attractive.
Check out the rest here.
Originally published on October 19, 2016 on
To celebrate pumpkins, here are some excellent pics of those wonderful orange little fellows.
Originally published on October 06, 2016 on
Normaliter kom ik met de eerste tekenen van de herfst al aardig in de Halloween-mood, maar dit jaar is dat nog niet gebeurd.
Het zal te maken komen omdat ik de afgelopen drie maanden diep in het web van Spider-Man verborgen zat. Nu ik een weekje vrij heb van het schrijven van mijn boek, hoop ik niet alleen mijn innerlijke accu weer op te laden, ook hoop ik het Halloween-vuurtje in mij weer aan te steken…
Nee, Halloween is voor mij toch vooral griezelverhalen lezen bij de open haard. Het liefste in zo’n ouderwetsche luie stoel, kopje thee erbij en een kamerjas aan. Nee, echt.
Helaas, hebben we geen open haard en bezit ik ook al eeuwen geen kamerjas meer. Neemt niet weg dat ik erg benieuwd ben naar Scottish Ghosts, een bundel met spookverhalen die ik een paar jaar geleden in Schotland kocht.
Eigenlijk zou ik wel eens naar Salem in Massachusetts willen afreizen. De architectuur van dit heksendorp en New England spreekt mij aan. En de heksenvervolging is een boeiende en bloedende geschiedenis. Zo’n reis gaat dit jaar niet lukken, maar misschien kan ik wel in Nederland Halloweeneske plekken bezoeken. De komende dagen ga ik daar mijn licht maar eens op schijnen.
Originally published on October 01, 2016 on
There is no mistaking, autumn has returned after a whole year of absence.
With the autumn winds comes the feeling that something’s in the air and it’s not only the scent of decay, it’s the feeling that something is coming, something exciting.
Writing these lines I just remembered my first introduction to Halloween. It must have been the movie E.T. The scene where the streets are flooded with kids dressed up and E.T. being guided by his friends hiding under a sheet pretending to be a kid pretending to be a ghost (and meets Yoda).
Immediately I asked my parents to explain me about this festivity and they said: This is Halloween.
Since then I have seen lots of Halloween movies (good and bad), I hear Danny Elfman compositions all through October but I think the scene E.T. and those kids roaming the streets captures the feeling dead on.
The sun is going down and the air is filled with anticipation, a feeling I get every year when the leaves start to fall.
Mellisa Halley (Text and illustration)
Originally published on October 31, 2015 on
Most pics are playfully sexy. I love the old fashioned look of the pumpkins. Also, I like the clever use of drop shadows on the walls, suggesting ghosts, cats and other creatures.
Originally published on October 27, 2015 on